I was asked recently to help the widow of G3VNC (who lives nearby) to dispose of his equipment. There is quite a lot! The list includes an ETM-3 keyer, a DL-1000 dummy load, an AVO8 in great condition, a Welz SP-300 power meter, a Ten-Tec 580 Delta xcvr, a softrock ensemble SDR rx, a large vacuum variable (like hen’s teeth nowadays!), a Tektronix 2246A 100MHz scope, various (beautifully) homebrewed kit such as a GPSD frequency counter and 40kHz to 40MHz DDS VFO, a VK3BHR LC meter, and more components than you can shake a stick at, all well labelled and catalogued (this guy was clearly an awesome homebrewer – not surprising as he worked professionally in electronics during his career).
I have not tried to price everything but I am happy to take enquiries, provide lists (and in many cases photos) and pass on any offers to the widow. I am also more than happy to bring any sold items to Milton Keynes (RSGB Convention).
07889 828974