Why join CDXC?
CDXC is the major amateur radio organisation in the UK that specifically caters for the interests of HF DX enthusiasts. By having a strong voice, through healthy membership, the club can represent your interests with other organisations such as the RSGB, those mounting DXpeditions, award sponsors, equipment manufacturers and dealers. Whether you are new to the hobby or an old hand with every DXCC country confirmed, your support is needed.
Benefits of Membership
CDXC membership will increase your enjoyment of the world of DXing by providing;
- Bi-monthly magazine with news of future DXpeditions and reports from recent DXpeditions plus much, much more
- Membership of a community of World leading DXers and contesters
- Online forums
- Social events
- Recognition of high achievement in the DX world with trophies and awards
- Part of your membership fee is used to sponsor DXpeditions.
The 'About CDXC' page provides much more information on the benefits of membership.
How much does it cost to join CDXC?
The UK membership rate is currently £18 per year. Overseas membership costs £24 per year.
Membership fees are reviewed annually and club policy is to maintain them at as low a level as possible consistent with the efficient administration of the club. The membership runs from July to June ; those joining from January to July pay a reduced rate. Remember - the club is "non-profit making"; expenses are kept to a minimum.
How do I apply to join CDXC?
If you like what you have read about CDXC and want to join you can start an online application by clicking here.
Alternatively if you would like to receive a membership pack containing a prospectus, a copy of CDXC Digest (our magazine) and an application form you can request a membership pack.